We provide:
We have a standard formula to determine how many Light Blue (Container recycling) and Dark Blue (Paper recycling) carts each property should have.
Based on waste characterization studies, the formula is:
# of units X 0.3 = total cubic yards of garbage and recycling generated
Of those total cubic yards of garbage and recycling, 20% can be Container and Paper recycling, and 10% can be Cardboard recycling. Quantity and Quality standards apply for Cardboard-only bins.
Dark Blue Cart
34″ deep
Light Blue Cart
34″ deep
What goes in each cart?
Dark Blue Cart
for paper products
- Catalogs, magazines, paperblack books
- Newspaper and inserts
- Junk mail
- Paper boxes (cereal, tissue, etc. remove inserts)
- Office paper
- Non-metallic gift wrap and greeting cards
- Cardboard (small pieces ok, see below)
Light Blue Cart
for containers
- Glass bottles and jars*
- Metal cans
- Plastic bottles and tubs* (i.e. shampoo, detergent, yogurt)
- Milk, soup and juice cartons*
- Clean foil ok
*Rinse containers, remove and recycle lids.
What else can I get rid of?
- Corrugated cardboard
Flatten all cardboard and place in a cardboard-only bin. If your complex doesn’t have a cardboard bin, place in a dumpster —
it will be sorted and recycled at the SMaRT Station. - Got Cardboard? poster
- Larger complexes visit Commercial page for bin services
My recycling wasn’t collected! What happened?
If pickup isn’t possible, we’ll leave a tag on your cart explaining why not. We’re not able to pick up the following items.
- Motor oil mixed with other liquids
- Antifreeze
- Non recyclable plastic
- Window/auto glass & crushed glass
- Mirrors
- Pyrex
- Ceramics & porcelain
- Crystal
- Black Plastic
For more information, please refer to Sunnyvale Recycles Right PDF, Smart Station Services PDF, Recycling’s Dirty Dozen or the Avoid the Dirty Dozen PDF.
Multifamily Recycling Resources
Move In/Out Flyer
Paper Recycling Sign
Container Recycling Sign